Tiny Toons, Contra (NES), Animaniacs, Final Fantasy Tactics, Kirby ("Kirby Super Star" on SNES), Enemies from the Mario Bros series, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Johnny Bravo.
I don't have any interest in the Mario Bros themselves. They're a bit over done and I don't have much drive to remake them for the n'th time on the internet or myself. I found a few Starcraft images, but the only units I'd be willing to make are the infantry of Terran and maybe a few of the smaller Protoss units. I can't imagine Zerg units looking too good on stitch. I haven't been able to find a Johnny Bravo sheet, but it wouldn't be too hard to convert any old JPEG image of him into a stitchable image, but I'm a bit too lazy to do that for now. No stitches this update today, but I leave you with a music video I much admire after a friend linked me to it randomly. I'm sure a lot of you have seen this before so enjoy the encore if you have! If you haven't yet, stand up and join in the dance craze sweeping the interwebs.
I don't have any interest in the Mario Bros themselves. They're a bit over done and I don't have much drive to remake them for the n'th time on the internet or myself. I found a few Starcraft images, but the only units I'd be willing to make are the infantry of Terran and maybe a few of the smaller Protoss units. I can't imagine Zerg units looking too good on stitch. I haven't been able to find a Johnny Bravo sheet, but it wouldn't be too hard to convert any old JPEG image of him into a stitchable image, but I'm a bit too lazy to do that for now. No stitches this update today, but I leave you with a music video I much admire after a friend linked me to it randomly. I'm sure a lot of you have seen this before so enjoy the encore if you have! If you haven't yet, stand up and join in the dance craze sweeping the interwebs.