Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Super Bowl commercials!

I'm definitely not a huge football fan, but It's a good reason to gather friends, eat pizza and drink beer. The general consensus is that this year's Super Bowl was....meh, bad. I agree. the commercials weren't as succinct and the halftime show was embarassing. The actual game was...a game, and was relatively close at the end. The steelers were one field goal away from tying up the game, but it was not to be. Anyway, here's my my pick for the best 2010 Super Bowl commercials. It's so sweet and gave me a chill down my body.

As for this years commercial pick:


  1. The one commercial that pissed me off was the Groupons one. Those were just out of line.

  2. Yea, my friends all agreed the Tibet Groupon commercial was just in bad taste.

  3. @Coilis. Definitely agree. The super bowl commercials this year were just ridiculous. They never do them like they used to.

  4. Hahaha, actually, that google one was awesome.

  5. Mmm missed it this year but makes me want some beer and pizza! :D

  6. The driving vid makes me cream...

  7. Loved the Google commercial...would also love to see what REALLY comes up when you look up those words.

  8. that chevy commercial was amazing :D

  9. Yeah those were good. I liked the brigestone tire one too.

  10. when he typed ''how'' I saw that ''how to tie a tie''. dunno why but lol'd at this.

  11. I liked the eminem car commercial, but I live around detroit, so that's probably why.

  12. The groupon one pissed me off but other than that they were all meh.

  13. Funny that they gave Aaron Rogers a camaro at the end like he needs one

  14. Being in Canada we never see the good commercials.
    The game however was a train wreck.

  15. I like the Google commercials. I also like watching the high quality Super Bowl commercials. I appreciate good commercials
