Friday, February 25, 2011

Anamanaguchi? Sounds delicious.

     I'm an idiot, I mixed up Netflix with Redbox again in my last post.  Sorry if I confused anyone, but hopefully the link and picture cleared that up. Anyway...

    It was inevitable that Anamanaguchi would be mentioned on this blog.  I've been a huge fan of chiptunes ever since the first album "Power Supply" came out in 2006.  All of their songs has the perfect mix of drum, guitar, and the mind-numbing ear candy from a hack NES/Gameboy.  When I first heard their arguably best track from their first album Nebula Helix, I knew that something big would happen in the field of chiptune music.  Hell, I didn't know the term "chiptune" back then.  Anamanaguchi was not the first artists that delve into hacked-hardware music composing (it was a relatively well-known technique known in small circles), but they were one of the first "bands" to really bring the music into huge mainstream attention and eventually got intergrated into current video games and movies.

     Their biggest break was being featured in the hit movie "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World" which generated a huge following.  A side-scrolling beat-em-up was released for the Xbox Live Arcade shortly after the movie.  The game included an entire album of Anamanaguchi's songs and fit in perfectly with the pixel art style the game had.

Well that's enough back story. I'll just shut up now and let you listen to some of their best songs.

2005, Nebula Helix. (Their first album is downloadable for free on 8bitpeoples, Get it now!)

2009, Blackout City

Call me a fanboy hipster all you want, but this shit rocks my world.


  1. You're a fanboy hipster! But I like this stuff so thanks for introducing me to it.

  2. dang this stuff is pretty awesome

  3. Oh I found Helix Nebula in a video game music collection long ago, but I thought it was from a game, then I found about Anamanaguchi when they started recording for Scott Pilgrim. They are amazing dude, haters gonna hate.

  4. i noticed the redbox/netflix mixup lol. this does sound like one of those 8 bit games.

  5. Loved Scott pilgrim :) And love the music! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love 8-Bitish stuff, so gotta love this.

  7. Does sound good for a videogame.

  8. Fun music! Great way to start off the weekend! Let's dance! :)

  9. fanboy hipsters can still have good taste haha

  10. Chiptune is awesome :D. It's crazy how people program a gameboy to get music out of it. You should check out Sabrepulse if you haven't heard him

  11. Dude, that's an interesting couple of tracks. nice.

  12. Oh my god! I had no idea that these guys did the S.P. stuff but I wanted to know who did! Thank you! I've been wanting this!!!! <3

  13. the whole world should be in 8-bit.....not sure what that means

  14. i knew this guys for a while, i think they are awesome, and the fact the are actually using a NES to do most sound makes it even more awesome

  15. I'm now downloading their first album. I hope it's worth it
