Friday, February 11, 2011

Guess that...thing 3!

More guessing games. This one is really quick update, so I'm sorry about the length of this post. I'm a bit busier than before ever since I got my friends into playing tennis. I slept for like 2 hours after I played; I'm so out of shape.  I actually have a lot to comment about this when I'm done with it, but I'll obviously save that until the next post. For now, What is this!?


  1. 1st post! Woohoooo! Um, kitty, ummm pokemon?

  2. Looks like a head with... well horns o.o

  3. i'm thinking that it might be a pokemon also.

  4. my first thought would go towards a small Pokemon but that is probably wrong idea

  5. I have no idea. Is it upside down?

    >1st post

    I never thought I'd see this on Blogger.

  6. To me it looks like a mouse

  7. I dont know why I say this, but it looks like mario

  8. My first thought was about small sptite legs with the clothing above, but I bet I'm wrong! XD

    And you asked on my last post how I made the keychain... I backstitched the finished piece of stitching in that lollipop-like shape ^^' Then for the back, on a spare piece of cloth I backstitched again the outline and combined the front and the back piece toghether, like you would finish an ornamednt or biscornu - sewing only through the backstitches, like this It's very easy with a square, but a lil bit harder with my lollipop shape XD Then I filled it with fluff and added a cord with a keyring. Hope I got the explanation right!
